November Issue
Here is the November issue of ITD. Hope you enjoy! And please share 🙂
October Issue – Birthday Month!
Here is the October issue of ITD 🙂 Happy 21st birthday to ITD!
Enjoy the read, and please share 🙂
September Issue
Here is the September issue of Into the Deep. It is also available from the 2023 menu above.
Enjoy the read, and please share.
Letters to the editor are welcome, as always!
August Issue
The August issue of ITD is here! Enjoy the read, and don’t forget to share 🙂
JuneJuly ITD
The latest issue of ITD is here. It covers two months, so read it slowly 😉
Letters to the editor are welcome.
Please share ITD with others.
See you again in August!
Here is the May issue of ITD. As always, hope you enjoy, and share! Thanks 🙂
April 2023
Here is the April issue of ITD. Enjoy the read, and don’t forget to share. And write a letter about what’s happening in your neck of the woods 🙂
March Issue
The March issue of ITD is out! Find it here, or under the 2023 menu above. Enjoy the read, and don’t forget to share 🙂
January/February 2023 Issue
Here is the latest issue of ITD! Happy New Year to all!
There’s an ITD Readership Survey on page 11, or you can access it here. I’d be grateful if you’d complete it for me – it will only take a minute or two to complete – thanks!
Letters to the Editor are welcome as always.
Enjoy the read, and don’t forget to share.
ITD Readership Survey 2023
Click here for the 2023 Readership survey. Your responses will help guide the future direction of ITD.
The survey is anonymous, and will only take a minute or two.
Thank you for your contribution!