August issue of ITD
The August issue of ITD is out! Find it here, or above under “ITD 2018-2019”.
Enjoy the read, and don’t forget to share 🙂
July issue is here
The July issue of Into the Deep is out. Read it here, or download from the menu above. Enjoy the read, and don’t forget to share.
June Issue of ITD
The June issue of ITD is here!
Enjoy the read, and don’t forget to share 🙂
May issue of ITD is out
The May issue of ITD is now available, either here or in the menu above (hopefully!)
Enjoy the read, and don’t forget to share!
Hang on, it’s coming
Unfortunately I’ve managed to “lose” my Into the Deep website, along with all the issues of Into the Deep… With time and patience and a whole lot of help, it will eventually come back. I’m sure. I think.
Here is the current issue of ITD in the meantime: